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Great Travel Tips

Wish a travel and make it happen. Traveling is fun and expensive. Follow these tips and you will make your trip remain in memory forever. Just make a wish and plan your dreams. Dream about a place, dream about amazing places, beautiful places and follow the following tips; you will be amazed to see your wishes come true. Have a nice trip.

1. Safety and Security

  • Use your business address (or business card) in your luggage tags to avoid revealing your home address and phone number.
  • Tape a card with your name and address inside every piece of luggage in case the bag is lost and the outside tags get lost.
  • Make two photocopies of every important document you’ll be carrying — tickets, driver’s license, proof of auto insurance, passport, vaccination certificates, and so on. Carry one copy with you (not with the originals) and give one copy to a friend at home. These copies may be lifesavers if you lose the originals.
  • Carry a list of toll-free phone numbers for all of your credit and bank cards in case you have to cancel them (if they’re lost or stolen) or if you need to find an ATM to use them at.
  • Remove old airline destination tags; they’re the main reason bags get lost.
  • As soon as you get to your hotel room, look for a map of fire escape routes. Be sure to check that the routes are marked correctly and are accessible.
  • During hot weather, never leave an animal or a child in a parked car — even with the windows open.
  • If you can find someone to reliably pick up your mail and newspapers while you are traveling, there is less chance that strangers will know no one is home. Another option is to have delivery temporarily stopped; the Post Office can hold mail, and the price of undelivered newspapers is often credited toward future deliveries.
  • When driving in unfamiliar locales, always park in well-lighted areas.
  • Never open your hotel door to a stranger without first calling the front desk to see if hotel management has sent someone to your room.

2. Planning and Preparation

  • If you are combining business and leisure travel, take a diary to keep careful records of all business expenses for tax purposes. You may also want to take an envelope to hold all receipts.
  • Consider trip insurance to protect against losses if you must cancel your trip for any reason.
  • Write down confirmation numbers whenever you make reservations. If one isn’t offered, ask.
  • Leave a detailed itinerary of your trip with someone at home in case you need to be contacted.
  • Pack a duffel or ultra light knapsack inside your check-in bag. You may need the extra space later to carry home gifts and souvenirs.
  • Use accessories such as scarves and belts to enhance the limited number of outfits you pack.
  • Check the weather forecast for your destination before you leave to ensure that you are packing appropriate clothes. Also, don’t forget that nearby mountain areas may be much cooler than the valley where your hotel is.
  • When making reservations, always ask, “Is this the lowest price you have?” You’ll be surprised how often you may qualify for a discount.
  • You may have a better chance of getting a seat on a sold-out flight if you call just after midnight when many “reservation holds” expire. The same holds true for train travel.
  • No matter how short your trip, pack enough socks and underwear for at least four days.
  • Tape a contents list for each suitcase inside the lid. This saves pawing through every bag when you’re looking for those argyle golf socks, and makes it easier to repack for your trip home.
  • Hope to return “someday” to that ultra-popular hotel? Make a reservation for next year at checkout. You may be able to get a special price. (Just be sure to ask about the amount of cancellation notice required.)
  • Call or visit the Web site of the convention and visitors bureau in your destination city three months in advance and inquire about discount coupons and special attractions packages.
  • Plan well in advance if you want to bring your pet on vacation. Inquire about pet rules and regulations for every form of lodging and transportation you plan to use. You should also bring proof of vaccinations.
  • Pare your packing list by creating mix-and-match outfits using one or two colors.
  • If anyone in your party will be using a wheelchair, let the reservations agent know when you are booking travel.
  • Find space for a folding travel umbrella.

3. Making Travel More Pleasant

  • Making Travel More Pleasant
  • If there is any way to manage it, bring your own pillows.
  • Always have a travel alarm as a backup for the wake-up call service.
  • Premeasured packets of laundry detergent (available at camping supply stores) make it convenient to wash T-shirts and underwear in a hotel sink.
  • Don’t focus solely on getting to your destination. Be willing to investigate intriguing possibilities that arise en route.
  • Attach bright tape to your bags so they’re easy to spot when grouped with strangers’ bags.
  • When you arrive at your hotel, unpack immediately. Hang wrinkled items in a steamy bath to freshen. (Always pack several plastic hangers for contingencies like this.)
  • Carry a couple of energy bars to snack on during layovers or long drives.
  • Pack a nightlight or leave the hotel bathroom light on. This will avoid bumped shins if you need to get up in the middle of the night.
  • To minimize ear-popping discomfort on plane trips, chew gum during descents. If you have a young child who experiences severe ear pain, ask your pediatrician about a decongestant. Feeding a baby, by breast or bottle, can help reduce their ear pain.
  • Carry a few spring-type clothespins to secure bulky shower curtains or to pin together drapes that don’t close completely.
  • Never go anywhere without a small notebook and a pencil. You never know when you’ll want or need to write something done — directions, a phone number, a special store you want to return to.

4. Auto Travel Tips

  • Have your car thoroughly checked and serviced before leaving on a long car trip. If you are will be driving in an area with few service centers, inquire ahead about the locations of service facilities along the route. This is especially important if you are driving a rental vehicle.
  • Use a highlighter to mark your route on a map. Circle interchanges where you’ll be changing roads or directions.
  • For long driving trips, call state transportation agencies along your route and request information about highway construction. Plan for detours or delays.
  • Allow for rest stops on long drives. Plan on at least a 10-minute break every two hours. You’ll drive safer and arrive much more refreshed.
  • Remember, when driving a rental car, that you must carry your proof of auto insurance.

5. Traveling with Kids

  • Designate a large, soft bag as the toy tote. Fill it with simple games, toys, puzzles, books, and similar items.
  • Take along a cleanup kit that includes plastic trash bags, paper towels, and a travel pack of disposable wet wipes.
  • Take along easy-to-eat snack foods such as cereal, fruit slices, and juice boxes.
  • If you are traveling by air with a child under age 2, take a child restraint seat. Board early, giving yourself time to get situated.
  • When taking long car trips with young children, go to bed early the night before and start out long before dawn. This pretty much ensures that the kids will sleep through a major portion of the day’s drive.
  • To keep bickering betw
    een siblings to a minimum, give the children three strikes at the outset of the trip. If any child bickers with another, all of the children are penalized a strike. When you arrive at your destination, if the children have not used all three strikes, they are allowed to do something special.
  • For trips where you’ll stay at the same hotel or resort for multiple days, choose one with separate educational and recreational programs for children as well as child-sitting services.
  • Pack children’s shoes inside adult shoes to save space.

6. Foreign Travel

  • On trips out of the country, keep medicines in their original, labeled containers and bring a copy of your prescriptions and the generic names for the drugs. If any of your medicines contains a narcotic, get a letter from your doctor indicating your need to take the drug.
  • If you are taking your passport, carry an extra photo in case your passport is stolen; already having the phone will make replacement easier.
  • If you will be driving, ask your insurer about a special proof of insurance card to take along.

All said, make your trip a nice trip. If you are not traveling soon, dream about places, amazing places and make your wish travel come true. Wish a travel today and you will be amazed to see your wish come true one day. To watch high definition videos about amazing cities around the world, making a wish to travel, learning ideas and tips and making your wish a travel; please visit http://www.wishatravel.com

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Holland Travel – Amsterdam, Van Gogh, Anne Frank http://balashiha.su/?p=4551 http://balashiha.su/?p=4551#respond Thu, 30 Jun 2011 06:34:58 +0000 http://balashiha.su/?p=4551 Holland Travel – Amsterdam, Van Gogh, Anne Frank

Holland certainly has a reputation with travelers. Known for having a very liberal attitude on social issues such as prostitution and drugs, the reputation is not always deserved. Yes, marijuana and prostitution is legal, but there is so much more to the country. Many look at Amsterdam as Holland, but visitors know there is much more. If you desire to travel to Holland, also known as the Netherlands, don’t miss these attractions.


Simply put, Amsterdam has something for everyone. The city is an incredibly beautiful collection of old world European architecture elegantly partitioned by canals. In truth, the city is built on roughly 90 small islands, although you can hardly tell. Transportation is best undertaken on foot or by bicycle. With a cool climate, you’ll barely break a sweat.

Contrary to popular opinion, Amsterdam is not just a city of liberal policies. Yes, coffee bars sell things other then just coffee. Yes, there are women in windows that are awfully friendly. Still, there is so much more to experience in the city.

Van Gogh Museum

The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh houses the world’s largest collection of the work of Vincent van Gogh. From his early work, the museum contains 700 artistic works and 850 letters. After moving to Paris in 1886, van Gogh entered an impressionist period, of which the museum contains a large collection. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the collection is the organization. The entire collection is arranged chronologically from the first to last work. As you walk, you can clearly see the evolution of this master’s skill.

Anne Frank House

Who hasn’t read the intense diary of Anne Frank? Hiding from the Nazis, she and her family lived in an annexed section of an apartment in Amsterdam for two years. In 1957, the house was donated to the Anne Frank Foundation and turned into a museum. A visit will send chills through your spine. The museum contains films, the annexed area and the original notes of Anne Frank. A must see for anyone traveling to Amsterdam.

Beyond Amsterdam

For those needing a break from Amsterdam, there is much to be seen in Holland. If you are looking for a color explosion, consider taking the bulb cycling tour out of Noordwijk. Windmills your thing? Head to the De Zaan district to see them in action. Prefer to spend a night in a castle? Try the Castle Hotel Engelenburg, which even lets you ruin a good walk by playing golf.

Travel to Holland and you won’t regret it. Whether you want to “investigate” the countries liberal policies or simply bike through fields of tulips, Holland will satisfy.

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Personal Chauffeur Service Provides Professional Mom Convenient, Productive Travel for Weekend Trip http://balashiha.su/?p=6847 http://balashiha.su/?p=6847#respond Sat, 18 Jun 2011 15:12:30 +0000 http://balashiha.su/?p=6847 Personal Chauffeur Service Provides Professional Mom Convenient, Productive Travel for Weekend Trip

           Opting to drive long distance rather than flying.  Sounds a little crazy, doesn’t it? That’s what one Corporate America mom, Shannon Craig,  decided was a better decision for her trip to Lake Havasu, Arizona from Costa Mesa, California.  She chose Drive4Me Personal Chauffeur Service.
           Shannon was headed to Lake Havasu for the weekend.  Before she could go, she needed to drop off her daughter to a family member 40 miles away from her home and also had a deadline to meet for a project she was working on.  Just looking at flights was already a nightmare: sky-high last-minute fares that did not match her schedule in the slightest, and to top it off no direct flights from surrounding airports (whether from Orange County, Los Angeles, or even San Diego).
            But she found a simple solution to her troubles.  After a quick search on the internet, she was able to find Drive4Me Personal Chauffeur Service who would be able to drive her in the comfort of her own vehicle to her desired destination.  For a nominal rate of $30 per hour (beyond half the rate of a town car/sedan service), Shannon was able to make a last minute reservation the day before she needed to be in Arizona.   Drive4Me Personal Chauffeur is fully insured and certified, and all personal drivers undergo thorough background investigations, motor vehicle record audits and drug testing so Shannon was able to book with confidence.
            Shannon’s personal driver arrived at her residence early, as all Drive4Me chauffeurs do, in case she was ready to begin her trip before the scheduled time.  From Costa Mesa, she was able to take her daughter to her relative’s home for the weekend in Riverside without having to take hold of the steering wheel at all.  To make things even more convenient, Riverside was just a quick pit stop on their way to Lake Havasu. 
En route to her destination, Shannon worked diligently to meet her project deadline.  She was able to listen to her favorite music while the chauffeur took care of driving.  Her personal chauffeur was there to ensure that her trip was comfortable and stopped whenever she requested for coffee, restroom breaks, or just to stretch and to refresh herself. 
The total drive time was approximately 6 hours long.  Compare that to airline fares she researched, which would have taken the same amount of time considering a layover in Phoenix, Arizona from Orange County Airport before landing in Lake Havasu.  And avoiding the airlines, she did not have to deal with airport parking or unprofessional taxi drivers and the possibility of a delayed flight.  Had she taken a flight, Shannon would have had to constantly start and stop her work during arrivals, departures, layovers, et al. She even saved some money by hiring a chauffeur service!
           Once Shannon was dropped off in Lake Havasu, she required for her vehicle to be dropped off at point of origination (Costa Mesa, CA).  Her personal chauffeur took a short break before heading on the trip back.  The personal driver kept in contact with her at various points during his trip back.  When Shannon’s vehicle was returned to her residence, a final follow-up call was made to her so that she could enjoy the rest of her weekend without worry.
           Convenience: not having to deal with and fret over the troubles of modern day flying; traveling in the comfort of your own vehicle; making sure your family is taken care of; being able to spend a time with your girlfriends; and most of all, for this professional mom, being able to enjoy a leisure weekend without stressing over a deadline because Drive4Me Chauffeur Service was able to provide you with the most productive driving time you’ve ever had.

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Drinking on Board of Air Mauritius Flight http://balashiha.su/?p=2866 http://balashiha.su/?p=2866#respond Fri, 03 Jun 2011 23:37:58 +0000 http://balashiha.su/?p=2866 Drinking on Board of Air Mauritius Flight

You are warned. Fly but don’t get drunk, says Minister.

There is an issue with the number of drunken passengers on Air Mauritius flights, says the Minister of Tourism and External Communication, Mr. Xavier Luc Duval. “They cause problems to other passengers and staff and now Government wants to put into place preventive measures. We intend to have a law that will allow us to prosecute disruptive passengers once they land,” he adds.

However, he says: “We will not ban drinking on our flights; we do not want to change the customer’s experience. Why should we penalize the majority of well-behaved passengers because of a drunken few?” The proposed Civil Aviation (Hijacking and other Offences) (Amendment) Bill, under section 5A reads as follows: Any person who, on board an Aircraft flight – (a) intimidates or threatens a crew member, whether physically or verbally, or uses abusive language against him, or lessens the ability of a crew member to perform his duties; (b) obstructs or hinders a crew member in the performance of his duties; (c) willfully refuses to follow a lawful instruction given by the aircraft commander, or on behalf of the aircraft commander by a crew member, for the purpose of ensuring the safety of the aircraft or of any person or property on board, or for the purpose of maintaining good order and discipline on board, shall commit an offence.

(2) Any person who, on board an Air Mauritius in flight (a) intimidates or threatens, whether physically or verbally another person or uses abusive language against another person; (b) willfully damages or destroys property not belonging to him;(c) is under the influence of an intoxicating drink (i.e. alcohol) or of a drug to such extent as to be incapable of behaving properly, shall commit an offence. One tour Operator believes that the new legislation would be a step towards the right direction. “This is an excellent initiative. The Bill would bring Mauritius in line with other countries, which have laws that offer protection on flights. It is important that at a time when we expect a rise in the volume of tourists, we can assure flight staff a safe working environment.”

The president of the Association of Travel Agencies, Mr. Willy Cheung said: “It is a good piece of legislation that will act as a deterrent. It will protect the cabin crews, and the passengers too.” One steward said: “This new legislation was long overdue. Flight crews have had enough with drunken passengers. They think that we are here to put up with their abuse and ill manners. Not only do they make our job tougher but also they spoil the mood of other passengers. I applaud the Government for this initiative.” An airhostess said: “Dealing with drunken passengers is a cabin crew’s worst nightmare. We must be very initiative to find a diplomatic ways to ask them to stop drinking. We have received training to deal with this issue, but I must confess, it can get quite tiring.


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Costa Rica Family Adventure, Honeymoon, Vacation Packages, Custom Trips, Tour and Transportation Services http://balashiha.su/?p=2444 http://balashiha.su/?p=2444#respond Tue, 04 Jan 2011 15:54:34 +0000 http://balashiha.su/?p=2444 Costa Rica Family Adventure, Honeymoon, Vacation Packages, Custom Trips, Tour and Transportation Services

Having Visited Costa Rica, I have compiled a list of the best locations to
visit. This list is by no means comprehensive or complete, it is just a checklist
of all the places I would visit when I go to Costa Rica.
Monteverde Cloud Forest
Most famous for being associated with the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve,
the tiny community of Monteverde is a small village located near the
entrance of the cloud forest. Monteverde was founded by the Quaker community
that migrated from North America to Costa Rica in the 1950’s. In town, which
is actually Santa Elena, you’ll find banks, drug store, a local hospital,
book store, gas station, ATM machine, police station, post office,
supermarkets, internet cafes, restaurants
As the weather here is quite chilly and misty, due to the village being high
up in the Tilaran Mountain Range, you should bring some thick clothes and a
light jacket to stay warm. When here, do remember to try out the delicious
local cheeses, which are a treat to eat. If you are a bird watcher, this
village offers some lovely bird watching opportunities, even though you are
not in the cloud forest itself. However, if you prefer to do the more
touristy thing, visit the local craft centers, the women’s co-op center, the
butterfly garden and the Hummingbird Gallery in town.
Dominical Beach
Located on Costa Rica’s amazingly beautiful Central Pacific coastline, the
small village of Dominical is a surfer’s paradise where waves can reach over
10 feet high, a place rich in island biodiversity and amazing underwater
flora and fauna. It is the perfect combination between the extensive golden
coasts full of scenic beaches & luscious mountains.
Dominical is a 4 km long beach strip, with a few hotels, lodges, resorts and
restaurants in the area. While swimming here is near impossible with the
strong swells and rip tides, one can kayak off the coast or enjoy some
diving or snorkeling opportunities in the area. Horseback tours can also be
arranged to the nearby Nauyaca Waterfalls, or one can visit the Marino
Ballena National Park, which is home to a number of marine mammals like
turtles and whales that come here seasonally to mate and nest. If you like,
you can take a short day trip to the lovely Ca?o Island just off the coast.
This island is considered one of the best adventure diving spots in the
world and is home to an impressive array of underwater marine life.
Tortuguero National Park is one of Costa Rica’s most biologically diverse
wildlife areas. Featuring one of the most verdant landscapes in the country,
the 26,156 hectare park was created with the main purpose of protecting the
green sea turtle nesting area. Tortuguero owes its very wet tropical forest
to the 5000 to 6000 millimeters of rain it receives per year. These climatic
conditions are favorable to more than 400 tree species, around 2200 species
of other plants and more than 400 birds, 60 amphibian and 30 fresh water
fish species, as well as several endangered animals including tapirs,
monkeys, ocelots, jaguars, manatees and sloths. Tortuguero is characterized
by beautifully scenic canals, lagoons and rivers that may be toured by boat,
canoe or kayak. In addition to the green turtle, three other sea turtle
species nest on the park’s beaches.
Arenal Volcano
The Arenal Volcano area is one of Costa Rica’s top attractions. Only 3 hours
away from San Jos?, in the town of La Fortuna, stands a majestic 1,633m
volcano, known to be one of the most active in the world. Despite its
constant activity, the volcano is very safe to visit as long as you stay
within the safety perimeter. In this area take advantage of the pristine
natural surroundings! Go fishing, horseback riding; take a canopy tour,
rafting or experience a tremendous canyon expedition. Whatever you decide,
be sure to visit the relaxing hot springs in the area, the most famous being
Tabacon and Baldi.
La Fortuna and Surroundings
Often simply referred to as La Fortuna, the town of La Fortuna de San Carlos
is the gateway to the magnificent Arenal Volcano. A charming and quiet town,
La Fortuna is easily accessible from the capital city San Jose, and offers
some panoramic views of the spectacular Arenal, Costa’s Rica’s most active
volcano. Sitting around 10 kilometers away from town and regularly spewing
smoke and ash for some time now, the Volcan Arenal is the country’s top
rated tourist attraction and is indeed a sight to behold.
Over the last few years in particular, La Fortuna has become quite a
bustling town. However, there are plenty of accommodations, hotels and
resorts here to suit every budget. A must try when in La Fortuna are the
amazing resort spas surrounding the volcano. On a clear day you can watch
the volcano erupt and if you wait for nightfall, the Arenal puts on a
brilliant show with bright red rocks tumbling down its sides.
Beside the volcano, this town has other great tourist attractions like the
La Catarata de la Fortuna, Tabacon Hot Springs, white water rafting, hiking
excursions, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, horseback riding, canopy tours and
Ca?o Negro Boat Tours are just some of the many activities that one can
enjoy while you are here.
Malpais is situated on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica on the southern tip
of the Nicoya Peninsula.
Also known as the Hawaii of Latin America, there are several beaches to
swim, dive or snorkel though it’s main attraction is it’s unique conditions
for surfing and it’s pristine subtropical nature. Horseback riding,
sportfishing, canopy tours, scuba, and nature tours make up some of the
other popular activities nearby. Malpais is a community unlike any other in
Costa Rica with a strong surf culture and a the laid-back atmosphere that
maintains the type of earthy tourism that made Costa Rica famous.
MalPais boasts a great selection of places to stay and eat from camping on
the beach to luxurious resorts and a wide range of activities. Without a
doubt it’s a very attractive place to relax and enjoy the golden rays of the
Pacific sunset.
Turrialba Valley
With some stunning views of Costa Rica’s rural countryside, Turrialba is a
charming little town in the lush and beautiful Central Valley in Cartago
province. Famous for being a white water rafting hotspot and base camp, this
town lies 53 km east of the capital city San Jos? and is an excellent place
to tour the pre-Columbian ruins at Guayabo National Monument, or the rarely
visited but lovely Parque Nacional Volcan Turrialba. A quiet town, Turrialba
with its charming street corners and gorgeous surrounding sceneries is among
the few places in Costa Rica with direct access to a volcano’s crater. From
the summit of the volcano, you can on a clear day, see the Irazu, Po?s and
Barva volcanoes in the distance Botanists and gardeners will want to pay a
visit to the Center for Agronomy Research and Development (CATIE), which is
located 5km (3 miles) southeast of Turrialba on the road to Siquirres. This
center is one of the world’s foremost facilities for research into tropical

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Tips to Travel India http://balashiha.su/?p=9088 http://balashiha.su/?p=9088#respond Mon, 26 Jul 2010 06:52:34 +0000 http://balashiha.su/?p=9088 Tips to Travel India

In order to experience your vacation in India, a dream, please read more of India Travel tips:
Do some reading before Voyage to India, so that your visit becomes an experience, something you never dream could happen to you.
Do not be worried about living in India. The 5-star and 4 star international standards and so supply and cooking, they compare with any in the world. The palaces and luxury hotels are a world apart and many have been granted before the hotels in the world “status. The 3-star hotels are there for the average budget travelers, and 1 star and 2 star hotels, inns Travel, tourism bungalows, holiday homes, youth hostels, YMCA / YWCA’s are for those with small budgets.
Your India Travel arrangements must be made well in advance, especially if you are traveling between October-March (high tourist season) and May-June, the Indian holiday season. Travel authorizations are limited relative to demand so prior bookings are a must.
English is spoken in almost all tourist centers, but you can also ask us to reserve the Government has approved the formation and guides who also speak German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian or Russian. The guides not only help you with your sightseeing, but also help you better understand India.
Indians are friendly and kind people, if they look at you, do not think it is rude, it is only a matter of interest. A tourist must not be lost in India; most people are ready to go out of their way to guide you to your destination.
As with any foreign destination, the tourist is advised to drink bottled water, bottled drinks, coffee or tea. Most of the first hotels have their own filtration system. Keep away from eating spicy food all at a time shortly after arriving in India. Take one Indian dish with each meal and ask the server to reduce the chilies. In a few days, your system will be used to Indian food, one of the most delicious of world cuisine. It is wise to stick to only cooked foods and eating fresh fruit including the skin, you can remove or delete.
Bring your medications, because all medicines in India are locally manufactured and May, you will not find the same brand. There are very good druggists and doctors everywhere, and they can advise on substitutes. If the obligation arises, ask your lawyer to administer a doctor.
Remember to remove your shoes when you visit a place of worship or mausoleum. Moreover, some temples do not allow us to all leather goods in their premises. Certain areas of temples are not open to non-Hindus.
It is safe to travel in India, as you will discover for yourself. Even if you have trouble reading in any city or region, do not be discouraged, since most of India is safe at all times.

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Tips for Teen Drivers http://balashiha.su/?p=269 http://balashiha.su/?p=269#respond Wed, 23 Jun 2010 03:30:48 +0000 http://balashiha.su/?p=269 8 Tips for Teen Drivers

Sensible parenting involves letting your teen learn to drive. Show the child that you trust him with your car but take a few minutes to teach the child all about safe driving and safety. All children have to grow up sometime and child development gurus recommend that it is best they grow along with the support of their parents.

Teach your child the responsibilities of driving. Ensure that they read the AAA website and the website relevant to the state or country you reside in. It is important that a child follows driving rules and updates his knowledge of road safety and safe driving tips given by experts. Insure the child well and drive with the child until you are sure that he or she is a competent driver.

The first step is to enroll the child in a reputable driving school and even after he or she passes the driving test ensure that the child knows:

1. All about basic car mechanics. Ensure that the child knows about pumping gas, changing oil, changing a tire, fixing windshield wipers, about using the car heater safely and more.

2. How to use the tool box and emergency kit. He or she must know what each tool is for and what the contents of the emergency kit are for.

3. Learn what to do in case of a break down and how to jump start a car.

4. Master reversing, left hand turns, three point turns, and parking in a small space.

5. The child must know how to read maps and the use of the GPS system if you have one.

6. Learn the rules of safe driving and promise to abide by the rules. Inculcate knowledge about speeding, drinking and driving, driving under the influence of drugs, and so on.

7. Set rules about never taking the car without permission. The child must always inform you where he or she is going and what time he or she will return. Make sure the child knows that he or she must call you if they are going to be later than promised.

8. All about respecting the car and looking after it properly. The child must help wash the car, keep the interiors polished, never litter the car or scratch the paint or interiors. Let the car become the child’s pride and joy and encourage the child to learn all about the mechanics of the car. Encourage the child to do small repairs and if possible take a short course on car repair.

A wise parent is one who encourages a child to spread its wings safely.

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Varca Beach – Exotic Beaches Of Goa http://balashiha.su/?p=10221 http://balashiha.su/?p=10221#respond Sun, 20 Jun 2010 04:18:07 +0000 http://balashiha.su/?p=10221 Varca Beach – Exotic Beaches Of Goa

The Varca Beach Goa, is one tourist objective that is not so celebrated in the Beach Capital of India Goa. The calm resort is appealing with the copious exquisiteness of nature. The supple white sandy beach is a foremost draw for quite a lot of tourists. The Varca beach is calm down and cleaner when in comparison with the other prominent beaches in Goa. The palm thatched extended houses mark the sandy Varca beach.

Things to Remember:
With the purpose of making the for the most part of the holiday at the Varca beach stay away from drugs and nudity.

Club Mahindra Varca Beach Resort nestles appealing on one of the majority outstanding Varca Beach. It colonially spreads over 14 acres land of Goa.

Club Mahindra Varca Beach Resort has provision of 55 air conditioned well prearranged rooms.

The in home restaurants serve tempting delicacy which comprises of all form of sea food, Mughlai, Continental and Chinese dishes and fresh salads. The Bars serve all kinds of cocktails along with mock tails.

The hotel has a meeting and banquet hall which accommodate visitors and business delegates in whichever particular occasions and assembly.

Beach Activities:
The chief magnetism at Varca beach is the competence available for watching dolphin, which is exceptional in India.

Reaching Varca Beach :
The beach is easily accessible from Margoa. There are several transportation facilities available to reach these beaches from Margao.

How to get there:
The energetic Varca beach is well connected with the balance of the places.

For More Details Log on to:

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Feeling & Looking Glamorous While Traveling http://balashiha.su/?p=3454 http://balashiha.su/?p=3454#respond Sun, 21 Mar 2010 12:28:43 +0000 http://balashiha.su/?p=3454 Feeling & Looking Glamorous While Traveling

There was a time when traveling was glamorous. When ocean liners still crossed the Atlantic with nightly ballroom dances and men donned a suit and tie to fly. Fast forward to our present day of roaming backpackers and jam packed tour buses and one might secretly long for a bygone era. Luckily there are a few tricks of the trade to adding a little glamour to your next trip without sacrificing your comfy in flight sweat pants.

• Stock up on Samples—prior to traveling, swing buy any beauty or makeup counter for samples of beauty products, skin care & perfume samples. In place of your full sized drugstore anti wrinkle cream, you now have a free small portable 7 day sample of an owe so expensive department store cream.

• Indulge in Decedent Chocolate—every airport duty shop is filled with stores that sell the specified country’s national gourmet chocolate. Pick up a piece or two,, and when your fellow air passengers are eyeing their unidentified lump that suffices as desert in the land of airplane food—whip out your gold wrapped chocolates and enjoy.

• An Elegant Pen—invest in a nice pen, you will find you use it often—postcards home, immigration forms, journal entries, etc. and a classy pen is much more pleasurable to use than the old BIC pen buried at the bottom of your purse.

• Duty Free Shop—feeling a little travel worn at the airport, head to the nearest duty free shop—try out the lotions, makeup, perfume and every other beauty product known to man. You’ll kill some time, freshen up your look and board the plane feeling like a million bucks.

• In Flight Reviver—ask anyone who has just gotten of an overseas flight what they want to do, and they will inevitable say “take a shower”. Combat, or at least postpone this overwhelming desire by packing baby wipes in your carry on bag. Shortly before the plane begins its decent (and getting up from your seat becomes a no-no) head to the restroom and give yourself a quick “bath” with your baby wipes. Wash your face and wipe as much as your body down as you can manage in the confines of the airplane bathroom.

• Fresh Flowers Weekly—for the price of a latte or two you can have a pleasurable addition to your hotel.

• Red Lipstick is a Must—light, bright, dark or pale—find your shade of red and never leave home without it.

• A Sparkle or Two—a distinctive piece of jewelry or two can take any outfit from road rumpled to casual chic.

• Silk Scarves—how to the Europeans manage to look so pulled together even in the dead of winter? It’s the well worn scarf, it dresses up any outfit while still keeping you toasty warm.

• Evian Facial Water—work past your qualms about paying for water in a bottle, and pick up a travel sized spray bottle of Evian water. You will be amazed at how refreshing it feels in hot weather, and your makeup will not smudge or budge as is the case of a quick splash of water from a sink.

• Arrange an Airport Pick Up—shell out a few extra dollars and arrange to have a car service waiting for you when you get off the plane. Seeing a driver awaiting with a sign with your name on it makes life not only a little more glamorous, but easy and reassuring as well.

For more ideas on how to add a little glamour into your life and other travel tips visit Glamour Getaways at: http://www.glamourgetaways.com

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