How to Find Mystery Shopping Sites – Make Money Shopping, Eating and Traveling

Do you know how to find mystery shopping sites?

There are several websites that employ mystery shoppers, or secret shoppers, to visit businesses posing as customers, evaluate the service they receive, and complete an evaluation form.

Assignments for mystery shoppers vary widely; from movies, meals, gyms and even tours. Not only do you get paid for enjoying them but sometimes you can also claim your expenses. Mystery shopping is a great way to enjoy a range of free and diverse entertainment.

It is easier than ever to find employment as a mystery shopper as there are many different types of mystery shopping sites now available online. Legitimate websites are easy to navigate, provide good customer support and detailed instructions on how to succeed as a mystery shopper.

You just need to know how to find mystery shopping sites and apply to them to start receiving assignments.

There are some very good free mystery shopping databases. The Mystery Shopping Providers Association is a great place to start your job hunt. Search the internet using key phrases like “mystery shopping companies,” “mystery shopping jobs” and “mystery shopping employment” to find scores of mystery shopping websites offering a wide variety of assignments you can accept in several countries.

Make a list of the mystery shopping employment websites that appeal to you based on geographic location and assignments. Apply to several of them to increase your chances of getting a steady flow of jobs.

Be sure to avoid any “company” that requires you to pay a registration fee! These are scammers. Legitimate companies never charge you to apply to become a mystery shopper.

The more assignments you accept the more you’ll receive. Treat your mystery shopping as a business and you will be compensated with pay and a variety of free entertainment.

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Ваш отзыв , 07 Jan 2012

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