Cheap French Property – A French Tip To Save You Money! Ten years ago cheap French property brought a lot of people to the country. New air routes were opening up and with the associated cheap flights it became much easier to get here. As a result, prices increased more or less everywhere and finding […]
Рубрика: Travel
The Perth Penguin Island
The Perth Penguin Island The Perth Penguin Island is one of the most beautiful islands in the world. It is unique because it has a colony of small penguins that can be visited and viewed from September to June. There are many ferries and cruises operating the whole day to take the visitors there and […]
Ваш отзыв admin, 30 Sep 2011
Students cash in on really cheap flights This is amazing and can show you if you know where to look how students can cash in on really cheap flights. I have been writing travel blogs for awhile now promoting “really cheap airfares” and I wanted to post a responce I had received a couple days […]
Ваш отзыв admin, 12 Aug 2011
Рубрика: Travel
Security Travel Tips
Security Travel Tips If a lot of things can happen and go wrong, so after a few simple rules can prevent many problems meeting other travelers on the road. Ok, sometimes problems occur, but can be prevented in the first place, the journey can be less stressful than the end of May in place of […]
Ваш отзыв admin, 31 Jul 2011
Travel: Travel Outside the Country, Safe and Sound There is an undeniable fact that most people have this great chance to travel abroad for some time in their lives. For some reasons, others go abroad for work. Whatever the purpose of that travel abroad is, see to it that you make yourself safe from whatever […]
Ваш отзыв admin, 05 Jul 2011