Going abroad By buying travel insurance you can make sure that your holiday is going to be as stress-free as possible. If something goes wrong while you away from home, you want to make sure that you can deal with it, as quickly and efficiently as possible. A wisely chosen travel policy will assist you […]
Архив за March 2010
Рубрика: Travel
Choosing a Marina for a Motor Boat
Choosing a Marina for a Motor Boat General Marinas can be found in harbours, ports or on river waterfronts. These marinas can accommodate a variety of boats, including motorboats, sailboats, fishing boats, cruise ships and yachts, as well as the house boat. Some marinas cater to cruise boats on a large scale while others operate […]
Ваш отзыв admin, 21 Mar 2010
Рубрика: Travel
Tips on Wine Tasting Etiquette
Tips on Wine Tasting Etiquette Many people, especially first time visitors to Wine Country, don’t know what to expect at a wine tasting. We’re often asked for tips and are pleased offer our advice to help clients get the most out of their first wine tasting experience. Eat breakfast: One that contains protein, fat and […]
Ваш отзыв admin, 21 Mar 2010
Feeling & Looking Glamorous While Traveling There was a time when traveling was glamorous. When ocean liners still crossed the Atlantic with nightly ballroom dances and men donned a suit and tie to fly. Fast forward to our present day of roaming backpackers and jam packed tour buses and one might secretly long for a […]
Ваш отзыв admin, 21 Mar 2010
Hotels And Villas In Orlando Florida Orlando, Florida is a tourist’s dream as the location boasts so many things to do and see in the vicinity. Flights are easily accessible to fly to Orlando International Airport but if wanted, Tampa International Airport is situated approximately 1 hour and 15 minute drive away. Alternatively, Jacksonsville International […]
Ваш отзыв admin, 19 Mar 2010