Tips on Wine Tasting Etiquette
Many people, especially first time visitors to Wine Country, don’t know what to expect at a wine tasting. We’re often asked for tips and are pleased offer our advice to help clients get the most out of their first wine tasting experience.
Eat breakfast: One that contains protein, fat and complex carbs. This ensures that your blood sugar levels will stay steady and you’ll maintain your tasting endurance.
Don’t wear lipstick: The oils cling to fine crystal and distort the taste of the wine.
Don’t wear strong scents: Wearing strong perfume or after shave lotion to the winery is definitely a faux pas. Strong aromas overpower the delicate bouquet of the wine and also affect the taste buds. The one wearing the scent will probably not be as affected as those around them so be polite.
Anticipate a tasting fee: Although there are wineries who let you taste for free, most wineries have tasting fees that range from $5 to $25 per person. Some are waived with a wine purchase and some include a complimentary souvenir glass.
Wear sensible shoes: Wineries are more or less farms and you are likely to be doing some walking around the grounds or just on stone driveways to get to the entrance.
Don’t overdress: Wine Country Casual means that you can never look too good, you just don’t want to look too formal. Napa and Sonoma are typically ten degrees warmer than San Francisco but bring a jacket for those cave tours. Some high-end restaurants request a jacket but never a tie.
Plan ahead: If you really want to enjoy every drop of wine, consider hiring a guide. Leaving the driving and mapping of your route to experts saves you time, effort and a DUI. (They ‘re really serious about that out here in Wine Country!)
Most importantly, relax and have a good time! Armed with these simple tips, you will be so well prepared to enjoy the true beauty of wine country in comfort that no one will guess it’s your first time.