Getting ‘safely’ Through Airport Security

Want to get through airport security with time to spare?

To do that, you’ve got to know what the rules are.

If you have liquids/lotions (non-prescription) in bottles over 3 oz/100 ml, put them in your to-be-checked luggage. If you try to carry them on, chances are good the security agent will take them from you. If you need them, you can buy bottles of water/juice/soda after being cleared.

Leave at home the pocket knife and tools. Put them in our checked luggage if you need them at your destination.

For liquids that you want to take in your carry-on, get a one quart resealable bag. Each bottle/container must be less than 100 ml/3 fl oz. I take travel sized items, such as toothpaste, shampoo, sunscreen, shaving cream, etc, to have for the first day or two. Then I go to a local supermarket and buy regular sized items for the remainder of the trip.

The first security person you approach will want to see your photo ID and boarding pass. Have them out and ready to show. Photo ID must be government issued like a driver’s license or passport.

Don’t hog the area by the conveyer belt. Move aside as you put into the plastic bins all metal from your pockets, your shoes, your laptop, the one quart bag with liquids, jacket/purse/briefcase/etc. Use more than one bin if necessary. Keep in your hand the boarding pass and your photo ID.

If there is room on the table, push your tubs/carry-on along. Make room on the table for travelers behind you.

The security person on the other side of the metal detector will wave you through. Wait for this. NOW push your items onto the moving conveyer belt. You want to get through the metal detector before your belongings come out the other side of the xray machine.

Pick up your belongings and move out of the way. Put your jacket back on later. Take a chair to put your shoes back on. Now you can put everything away, except for your boarding pass, and head for your flight. Bon Voyage!

(What I’ve written here applies to security in US airports. I’ve been through several international airports in the past year and it is impossible to state what will or will not be allowed through airport security. And to make sure you are current on US airport security rules, just before you leave, check out the Transportation Security Administration traveler’s site. )

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Ваш отзыв , 19 Nov 2010

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