The Weather in Lanzarote

The climate in Lanzarote is similar to the other six Canary Islands, with spring like weather all year round. The absence of any large central mountain means that the difference in temperature between the north and the south is minimal. In summer, the maximum temperature is around 25 degrees centigrade and in winter, the average is 17 degrees centigrade.

Although winters are mild, the warm clouds sometimes collect on the mountains of the north of the island and fog can form over the Riscos de Famara. In recent years, the apparent change in pattern of world wide weather has brought a slightly higher than average rainfall in Lanzarote. This of course has been beneficial to this normally arid climate and has also created a greener landscape in certain parts of this Canary Island.

Spring and summer can be windy in Lanzarote, reaching 23 knots or more, which makes it very popular for windsurfers. An easterly wind known as sirocco sometimes blows from the Sahara Desert. The temperature rises and it can become oppressive. However, these conditions never last long and soon, it is back to clear skies again. Should you experience cloudy weather in your resort, it is quite likely that in another part of the island, it will be sunny. Winter in Lanzarote is generally ten percent warmer than on mainland Spain which is why it is such a popular wintersun destination. The resort of Playa Blanca in Lanzarote tends to have the best of the sun as it is the most southerly.

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Ваш отзыв , 24 Feb 2011

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