
Hajj – A Demonstration of the Solidarity of the Muslim People The famous Hajj is known as the largest annual pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is also known as the fifth pillar of Islam, a holy duty that much be carried out once in a lifetime by every Muslim who can afford to do […]

Ваш отзыв admin, 25 Nov 2010

Take a Look at the Florida Panhandle – Part 1 – Tallahassee and Pensacola To the East is Florida’s state capital, Tallahassee, with its streets of graceful old Southern mansions. To the far west lies Pensacola, which it is said, is the country’s oldest settlement, dating from 1559. Between these towns, is the potential for […]

Ваш отзыв admin, 23 Sep 2010

Finding the Best Vacation Spots We all look forward to vacations. They center us and can even give our lives meaning. In the busy world we live in, we all need to have a vacation to give us the rest and relaxation our bodies crave. The most important thing in planning a vacation is location. […]

Ваш отзыв admin, 14 Jun 2010

Airlines Doing A Poor Job Recycling This information was made available in a new report by a nonprofit environment group named “Green America” which reveals that US airlines could do a much better job recycling the tremendous amount of waste passengers leave on flights. Delta and Virgin America were given the highest grades (B-) for […]

Ваш отзыв admin, 21 Apr 2010

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